Friday, March 24, 2017

We Made It To China!

The excitement and anticipation of our trip made it nearly impossible to sleep Wednesday night. Somehow, we did manage to get a few hours of sleep before waking up at 2:45 am to get ready and leave for the airport.

My mom was kind enough to get up at 4am to drive us to the airport so we didn't have to pay to park our car over the two plus weeks we would be away. My mom dropped us off at CVG just about 5:00am.

Getting through security was easier than I thought it would be with four suitcases and four backpacks that were stuffed beyond capacity. :) Overall, it went smoothly except that the security didn't like the small Yankee Candles we had packed in one suitcase, that we are planning to give as a gift to the nannies at the orphanage. Fortunately the TSA agent actually had a personality and was kind and even humorous as he was examining the bag.

Once we were passed security, all we had to do was wait. We flew from CVG to Detroit and then from Detroit, 14 hours across the world to Beijing. We spent the long flight attempting (and failing) to sleep, and watching movies.
Waiting at CVG

On our way to Detroit

                  The boys standing in front of a really cool foutain we saw in the Detroit airport.

Ready to board the plane and fly to Beijing

Casey is attempting to sleep. 

Once we arrived in Beijing, we went through customs and found our driver. I'm not sure either one of them spoke any English at all! Thank goodness Kevin has been studying how to speak Chinese and was able to communicate with the driver.

We were all so exhausted, that we pretty much passed out the minute we got in the van. That was probably a blessing in disguise because when my eyes were open, I was scared to death of everyone around us being hit by either our driver or others. The traffice was like New York City on steroids, and they clearly do not have the same definition of yield that we do in the states....especially to pedestrians. We saw rickshaw drivers, pedestrians and countless bicyclists take their lives into their own hands by intermingling with the oncoming traffic. 

Once we got to our hotel, we checked in, ate a quicked dinner and CRASHED! We were in bed by 8:00pm (China time). With the time difference and getting very little to no sleep on the plane, we had been up for more than 24 hours and we were exhausted. 

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