Sunday, March 26, 2017

Prayers for Cheyenne

As I sit in the calm that is the last 2 hours before we meet our new daughter, my thoughts and prayers have now turned to her. We call her an orphan. She has never known a family. She has lived her entire 8 years in an institution we refer to as an orphanage. And while we understand how unfortunate that is, to her, it is home. But in roughly two hours, her whole world is about to change. While this may be one of the happiest days of our lives, to her, it will likely be the worst.

In about two hours she will meet four strangers who will claim to be her new "family". Kevin and I will tell her we are Mama and Baba (Chinese for Daddy). But we don't look like her and (for the most part), we don't speak her language. Then, in about two weeks, we will take her from her homeland and bring her to a place surrounded by people who will be speaking in a foreign language and don't look like her. Sure, she will adjust in time. But I fully expect the next few days or even weeks to be brutal. She will grieve the life she had. Today, it is unknown how that will manifest itself. Will she cry? Will she scream? Will she withdraw from us? Whatever comes, we will handle it. Kevin and I are prepared to help her in any way necessary. So for now, I just pray that God will be with all of us.

Dear Lord,
Please calm our nerves and remind us that this has been Your plan all along. Please calm her fears and help her to see that while we are now strangers, we will soon become the best family any little girl can have. Help her to know that we will never forsake or abandon her. We will do everything within our power to make her see that she is Chosen and Loved. Help us to understand her grief and guide us to ways to calm her when needed. To provide the love and foundation that only a family can provide. We ask these things in your Holy name. Amen

Ning Jing Xian will walk into the adoption center as an orphan, but Cheyenne Jingxian Back will walk out as a beloved daughter and sister!

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