Thursday, April 6, 2017

Safari Park, Thursday, April 6, 2017

On Thursday we went with another family to see Safari Park. It is like a zoo on steroids! Instead of one or two of each animal, there were like ten or twelve. Safari Park is also home to the only Panda triplets in the WORLD.

We started out by taking a tram ride that showed us many animals...and several of them were fighting. We saw kangaroos boxing each other, bears wrestling each other and lions roaring at each other. I thought there was a rule of thumb that you should have one make lion in a pack, but apparently those rules don't apply in China because the lion pack had at least four males.

They have a Jurassic trail that has animatronic dinosaurs. We heard that parts of the trail were scary, but none of our kids were phased by it and Cheyenne seemed bored.

Nathan and Casey got to feed the tigers. They were given a small pan of raw meat pieces to throw over the wall. Of course, in typical Nathan fashion, he threw his piece right in the middle of the three white tigers and started a brawl. :) Casey felt bad for the sole bengal tiger layign off by himself, so he threw a piece over to him. It did get him up and walking down to the food, which created a nice photo op.

We loved seeing the pandas. The pathway to their area was filled with pictures of them as newborns and as they grew. They were SOO tiny and all white when they were born. They looked more like newborn puppies than pandas. When we can to them, two of them were laying together and the third was walking towards them. He plopped on one of them and started tugging at its ear like it wanted to play. It was really cute.

By this time, it was time to meet our driver to head back to the hotel. Poor Cheyenne was so sleepy, she fell asleep on daddy's lap on the way back.

Once back to the hotel, we enjoyed some quiet time before taking Cheyenne up to the "pool" (the hot tub). Then we went to dinner and I gave Chey a bath.

Today we are heading to the full-sized Amusement Park. We are planning to "force" Cheyenne back into a roller coaster in hopes that she wll get over her new fear caused by the ride on Tuesday. We are convinced that she will enjoy it since she was so happy with the last one - right up until she hit her head. This wil;l be our last outing in Guangzhou. Tomorrow we will spend the day at our hotel and packing our suitcases for the long awaited trip home!

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